Welcome! Thank you for your interest in the free Bless Your Finances online training and Best Practices resources.
Regardless of your age or income, this grant-funded training is designed to help you improve your financial health. The Bless Your Finances is a one-session condensed version that includes the key components of the six-session God Is Your Provider Personal Finances course, which can be accessed on our website. Both versions include a Financial Health assessment survey, video teaching, devotional, 33 Best Practices and 180+ online resources. To take the course, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Take the Personal Finances assessment survey and review your Financial Health Score. If you are married, invite your spouse to take the survey. Share your PDF survey results with each other.
Step 2: Download the Personal Finances planning calendar and identify the specific areas where you want to most improve your financial health.
Step 3: Watch or listen to the 10 Ways God Provides 35-minute video and use the teaching outline as a guide.
Step 4: Review the Best Practices resources in this document to improve your financial health.
Click here to access a PDF version of Bless Your Finances materials. You have permission to share this PDF with others.