Brian Kluth, national spokesperson for NAE Financial Health, regularly travels across the country to speak at denominational, pastor, church and leadership events on pastor finances and church generosity. He has served within this space for over 35 years, and is currently located in Denver, Colorado. Recent speaking engagements include:

  • Evangelical Free Church of America’s Top 100 National Leaders Summit
  • Free Methodist Church USA’s Regional Conferences
  • International Pentecostal Holiness Churches’ National Conference, District Conference, Pastors Conference, and Bishops Gathering
  • Open Bible Churches’ National Conference
  • United Brethren in Christ’s National Conference
  • Churches, conferences, and retreats

Brian served as president of the Christian Stewardship Association for five years before becoming senior pastor of First Evangelical Free Church of Colorado Springs in 2000. In 2009, the church commissioned him to become a full-time generosity minister, enabling him to focus on speaking and writing about generosity and finances.

Brian founded several ministries including,, and The (nationally recognized research survey on church and Christian giving), among others. His 30 and 40-day and materials have been used by thousands of churches to inspire generosity and increase giving. He holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from Trinity International University and an honorary doctorate of divinity degree from the Evangelical Free Church of India’s Trinity College and Seminary.

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