Welcome to the Open Bible Churches page for phase 2 of the Financial Health program.
Open Bible Churches has contributed to and been blessed with matching grant funds to offer one-time grants to the first 20 credentialed ministers who are in good standing with Open Bible Churches and has not already received a matching grant. The application is now closed. We have reached our maximum capacity of applications.
However, even if you aren’t able to receive the grant funding, all of the training is available to you at no charge. You may also use any of the resources provided for your church or pass them on to family and friends. To get started, create an account at NAEfinancialhealth.online. Once you create an account, you can complete a training course.
Thank you for your interest, and for your service to God through Open Bible Churches.
Personal Finances - For Individuals and Couples
Bless Your Finances - One-Session (PF1)
God Is Your Provider - Six-Sessions (PF6)
This course will provide an assessment survey, videos and Best Practices resources for individuals and couples of any age or income to improve their financial health. This course contains all of the information in the one-session Bless Your Finances course above.
Church Generosity - For Pastors and Leaders
Bless Your Church Legacy Bequests - One-Session (CG1)
How Christians Become Generous - One-Session (CG2)
Generous Life Devotional - One-Session (CG3)
Transformational Generosity for Churches - One-Session (CG4)
Transformational Generosity for Christians - One-Session (CG5)
Best Church Generosity Practices - One-Session (CG6)
Church Generosity - Six-Sessions (CG8)
The online training for church generosity is designed for pastors and church leaders and can be incorporated into regularly scheduled monthly meetings. This course contains all of information from the one-session Church Generosity courses above.