As part of the United Brethren‘s partnership with NAE Financial Health, we are pleased to offer UB pastors and church leaders these customized online courses and resources. On this webpage, you will find resources specific to the UB Financial Health online training courses.
United Brethren Resources
- Financial Health Brochure | Summary of Available Grants | Financial Health Online Training and Grant Application
- For Pastors & Churches: Health Insurance | Setting Your Pastor’s Salary Package | Resources for Local Church Finances
Personal Finances Training for Couples and Individuals
Personal Finances Financial Health Date (90 Minutes)
- Step 1 – Watch Welcome Video from Bishop Todd Fetters (4 minutes).
- Step 2 – Watch Month #1 Instructional Video (8 minutes).
- Step 3 – Watch Brian and Mary Ellen Testimonial Video (9 minutes).
- Step 4 – Assessment Survey – Please take the survey individually (~10 minutes). These surveys are 100 percent confidential and are for your benefit. The United Brethren leadership will not see your personal assessment surveys. Print out your emailed results and compare them. You will also use these survey results in your Month 2 assignment.
- Step 5 – Choose a Generosity Devotional. If you choose Brian Kluth’s free 40 Day Generous Life Devotional, download it to your phones (go to your app store and search for “givewithjoy” or sign-up for the eDevotional version at and read Day 1 “God Owns It All” together. Optional: Listen to the Day 1 audio teaching podcast. Take turns on who reads each day’s devotional for the next 40 days.
- Step 6 – Decide on a monthly, 90-minute Financial Health date when you will meet together to work on these things. Write this on your calendars.
- Step 7 – Download and print out the following handouts. Please review them together so you have a better understanding of the 6-month course. Put them in a Financial Health folder or 3-ring binder.
Best Practices Worksheet
Planning Calendar
Online Training 6-month Schedule
- Step 8 – Once you have completed all seven steps for Month 1, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Personal Finances Financial Health Date (90 Minutes)
- Step 1 – CATCH UP
If you have not completed Month 1, take time to do so now by clicking on Month 1 above.
- Step 2 – TRAIN
Print the “10 Ways God Provides When the Paycheck Isn’t Big Enough” handout and watch the Month 2 video. Then, watch the video on “10 Ways God Provides When the Paycheck Isn’t Big Enough” (39 minutes).
- Step 3 – GROW
In the coming month, continue reading your Generosity Devotional together. If you missed some days, don’t skip ahead. Some people take 50-60 days to go through a devotional.
Discuss what you learned from the Personal Finances Month 2 video. Go over your Personal Finances assessment survey results and Best Practices worksheet. Use the 6-month planning calendar to identify the Best Practices that you agree to research and work on to improve your family’s financial health.
- Step 5 – PLAN
Over the next 60 days, record all of your expenditures with financial software or on a worksheet (see available resources on the Personal Finances Best Practices worksheet #2 and #3). Watch the “How Do I Set a Budget or Spending Plan?” video.
Once you have completed all five steps for Month 2, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Personal Finances Financial Health Date (90 Minutes)
- Step 1 – CATCH UP
If you have not completed Month 1 or 2, take time to do so now.
- Step 2 – TRAIN
Begin by watching the Personal Finances Month 3 video. Listen to the following podcasts: Principle of Financial Freedom (3:07) and Principle of Counting Your Blessings (10:59). There is an optional activity this month: Text yourself the link to the other podcasts and listen while driving or at home (
- Step 3 – GROW
Start today by “Counting Your Blessings” and recognizing God’s provisions in your life from the last seven days. Record each of these provisions and their financial value in a notebook or send yourself a weekly email with the list of provisions. Use the 10 Ways God Provides chart to help you recognize God’s creative provisions in your life each week. Begin to set aside at least 10 percent of God’s financial blessings into a special fund, budget category or bank account. You could also put cash in a special place in your wallet or at home to give as the Lord leads you. In the days, weeks, months and years ahead, use your giving fund to faithfully support your local church and the ministries, missionaries, people, programs or projects where God is prompting you to give.
Review and discuss any links from the Best Practices worksheet. Use the 6-month planning calendar to help you focus on your financial health goals for this course. Also, check out some of the video resources, especially the 1-2-minute Q&A videos by Ron Blue in Best Practices #5. Review your progress by tracking your financial expenditures and determining if there are ways you can save money.
- Step 5 – PLAN
Continue to track your expenses and look up more Financial Health Best Practices. Begin making changes in your lifestyle and finances based on what you’ve been learning and discovering in this course.
Once you have completed all five steps for Month 3, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Personal Finances Financial Health Date (90 Minutes)
- Step 1 – CATCH UP
If you have not completed Month 1, 2, or 3, take time to do so now.
- Step 2 – TRAIN
Begin by watching the Personal Finances Month 4 video.
Discuss and decide on a book or curriculum from the following list:
God Owns It All by Ron Blue – Personal or Small Group Study – $12.99
Money & Marriage God’s Way by Howard Dayton – $9.87
The Stewards Ways by Jay Link – Free book or free online video course (promo code = free)
Experience God by Your Provider by Brian Kluth – $9.99
Live Free by Servant Solutions – Personal Workbook – Free
No Strings by Debbie Swindoll – $19.95
- Step 4 – PLAN
Continue to record God’s provisions and set aside resources to give. Review online Best Practices that are important to you. Monitor expenditures for 60 days and establish agreed upon financial goals.
Once you have completed all four steps for Month 4, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Personal Finances Financial Health Date (90 Minutes)
- Step 1 – CATCH UP
If you have not completed Month 1, 2, 3 or 4, take time to do so now.
- Step 2 – TRAIN
Begin by watching the Personal Finances Month 5 video. Discuss the financial curriculum that you chose last month.
- Step 3 – GROW
Continue to record God’s provisions on a weekly basis and set aside a “thanks offering” to the Lord. Share as you feel led.
Discuss Best Practices resources that will help you meet your goals. If needed, refer to the Best Practices worksheet and planning calendar. Note: If you need affordable health care options, click here.
- Step 5 – PLAN
Continue to work on your spending plan, budget and financial goals over the next 12 months. If you are a pastor or a leader, discuss action steps to have your leaders complete the Church Generosity 6-month, committee-based training course.
Once you have completed all five steps for Month 5, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Personal Finances Financial Health Date (90 Minutes)
- Step 1 – CATCH UP
All lessons build on the previous month’s lessons. If needed, be sure to go back and finish previous month’s lessons.
- Step 2 – TRAIN
Download and print out the Bless Your Church tri-fold brochure. Watch the Personal Finances Month 6 video.
- Step 3 – GROW
Continue to reflect on and record God’s provisions on a weekly basis and set aside a “thanks offering” to the Lord. Share as you feel led.
Read through the Bless Your Church brochure. Begin to answer the question, “If I passed away in 24 hours, where would I want the money that would become available to go?” Write down some of the churches, ministries, etc. that you would want to receive legacy bequests. If possible, write down the amount or percentage you would like each one to receive. Discuss how this brochure could benefit your church and God’s work in the years to come.
Download and scroll through the Legacy Organizer (
Continue to use the Best Practices resources to help you meet your goals. If needed, refer to the Best Practices worksheet and the planning calendar.
- Step 5 – PLAN
Plan to continue meeting together to work on your spending plans and financial goals that will improve your financial health. If you are a pastor or a leader, decide on the timeline for you and a team of leaders to go through the Church Generosity six-month, committee-based training course.
Once you have completed all five steps for Month 6, fill out the following end-of-course evaluation form. This is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
On the first week of each month, we will email you the next set of monthly instructional videos and resources. If you need us to add your name and email to this list, please send a note to Samantha at [email protected] with your name, church, position and email address.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, please email Brian Kluth at [email protected]. Please let us know if you discover any broken links or if you have any recommendations for Best Practices that we could add in the future.
Church Generosity Training for Pastors and Church Leaders
Important information about this course: This interactive online training has been designed for the senior pastor and a group of key lay leaders to go through together during regularly scheduled committee meetings. Each session should take 20-45 minutes depending on the number of people in the room and how much discussion takes place. The pastor and at least three lay leaders (or more) should be present for all of the online training sessions. In some churches, it may work out best for the pastor and a select group of at least three lay leaders to go through these sessions together before or after regularly scheduled meetings. This course will usually be completed over a six-month time period, but some leadership teams may choose to go through this more quickly and others may take additional months to complete because of holiday or summer schedules.ause of holiday or summer schedules. NOTE: For those receiving a grant, the 40 Days of Generosity and Bless Your Pastor offering need to be scheduled and completed in 2018.
Church Generosity Committee-based Training (up to 45 Minutes During Your Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting)
- Step 1 – Download this 2-page PDF and give copies to those participating in the training. During your committee meeting, watch Month 1 Instructional Video (9 minutes).
- Step 2 – Discuss the “10 Ways People are Influenced to Live Generously” handout, and share one of the 10 ways you have been influenced to live generously.
- Step 3 – Review and choose a generosity devotional that each leader will begin to do with their spouse and/or family. If your leaders choose Brian Kluth’s free 40 Day Generous Life Devotional, have them download it to their smart phones (go to their app store and search for “givewithjoy” or they sign-up for the eDevotional version at They should go through this with their spouse or family, taking turns on who reads each day’s devotional for the next 40 days.
After the committee meeting:
- Step 4 – Pastor or the church lay leader should email this page to the leaders on your team. In addition to the Church Generosity training, any interested leaders can choose to use the free Personal Finances training resources to benefit their family.
- Step 5 – After the meeting, have the pastor and one or two key church leaders take the Church Generosity assessment survey. Print out and review the emailed results.
- Step 6 – Download and print out the following handouts. Please review them together so you have a better understanding of the 6-month course. Put them in a Financial Health folder or 3-ring binder.
Best Practices Worksheet
Planning Calendar
Online Training 6-month Schedule
- Step 7 – Once you have completed all six steps for Month 1, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Church Generosity Committee-based Training (20 to 45 Minutes During Your Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting)
- Step 1 – TRAIN
Download and provide photocopies of this month’s discussion handout for all of your committee members. Watch the Church Generosity Month 2 video, which includes teaching on the 7 Keys to Joyful Living and Giving (8 minutes).
- Step 2 – DIG & DISCUSS
Have each person share at least one highlight from your Generosity Devotional reading, 7 Keys to Joyful Living and Giving, or the giving cartoons and statistics from the Month 2 video. Optional: For those going through the Personal Finances training, share a positive highlight from this course.
- Step 3 – PLAN
Start or complete your reading of your Generosity Devotional.
Once you have completed all three steps for Month 2, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Church Generosity Committee-based Training (up to 45 Minutes During Your Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting)
- Step 1 – TRAIN
Watch the Church Generosity Month 3 video (14 minutes), which includes teaching on the 5 Keys to Growing Joyful Givers and Giving. In this video, Brian also gives instructions for using the Church Generosity 37 Best Practices worksheet and the 12-month Planning Calendar. Download and provide photocopies of this Church Generosity 5-page document for your group. In addition, send this document to everyone via email, as they will need access to the Best Practices links for the research they will be doing next month.
- Step 2 – DIG & DISCUSS
Over a period of 30 minutes, have each person in your group share a few Best Practices they think should be researched further. Assign and/or have people volunteer to do further research on specific Best Practices and bring their findings back to the group next month.
- Step 3 – PLAN
This month, plan to research your specific or assigned Best Practice by using the website links on the Church Generosity Best Practices worksheet. If you haven’t already done so, complete the readings in your Generosity Devotional.
Once you have completed all three steps for Month 3, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Church Generosity Committee-based Training (up to 45 Minutes During Your Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting)
- Step 1 – TRAIN
Download and provide copies of this month’s discussion handout, the Bless Your Pastor brochure and template letter for your church members. Watch the Church Generosity Month 4 video.
Review generosity devotionals so you can choose one for your church families to go through.
Discuss when would be a good time to do the kick off Sunday for the church families to start going through the generosity devotional. Decide who will work on placing an order for materials and preparing the letter and email to send with the devotional.
Discuss when would be a good time for the Bless Your Pastor initiative at your church. If it will be done at a different time than the generosity devotional, decide who will prepare the letter and email from your church leaders. You can also download the full Bless Your Pastor Kit with additional resources (e.g., bulletin inserts, social media graphics and more).
- Step 3 – PLAN
Encourage people to continue researching their assigned Best Practices resources. Ask them to be ready to bring a report at your next meeting.
Once you have completed all three steps for Month 4, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Church Generosity Committee-based Training (up to 45 Minutes During Your Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting)
- Step 1 – TRAIN
Watch the Church Generosity Month 5 video.
- Step 2 – PLAN
Finalize plans for the 40 Days of Generosity and Bless Your Pastor initiatives.
Print and distribute copies of the Best Practices worksheet and planning calendar. Discuss the Best Practices ideas and resources. Start using your 12-month planning calendar to keep track of old and new Best Practices that you would like to continue or start practicing. Decide if there are any additional Best Practices you would like to research before the next meeting.
Once you have completed all three steps for Month 5, fill out the following form. Important: This private and confidential form is sent to the NAE offices (not to the UB offices) and is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses.
Church Generosity Committee-based Training (up to 45 Minutes During Your Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting)
- Step 1 – TRAIN
Download and provide copies of this month’s discussion handout and the Bless Your Church brochure for each person. Watch the Church Generosity Month 6 video. Have people share what they found most interesting and helpful in this teaching video on asset and legacy giving. Discuss how giving out the Bless Your Church brochure to families in your church could be of help to people and benefit your church in the years/decades to come.
Ask for updates from people still researching Best Practices resources. Plug in the agreed upon Best Practices and resources into your 12-month planning calendar.
- Step 3 – PLAN
Plan to implement the chosen Best Practices in the next 12 months. Add financial health/generosity reports to future monthly agendas. Each month, request updates and reports on the results of these initiatives.
Once you have completed all three steps for Month 6, fill out the required end-of-course evaluation form. This is an important requirement of the grant-funded courses. The pastor should complete this form after the committee meeting.