FEC is honored to be among the groups chosen to receive grant-funded access to NAE Financial Health online courses. All courses are free but are no longer tied with a grant or honorarium. Review the courses below and sign up to begin.
Online Financial Literacy Courses
Sign up or sign in to have access to these courses:
1.Bless Your Finances one-session course
Bless Your Finances is a one-session condensed version that includes the key components of the six-session God Is Your Provider Personal Finances course. Both versions include a Financial Health assessment survey, video teaching, devotional, 33 Best Practices and 180+ online resources.
2. Bless Your Pastor 7-minute Video Training Session
Board/leader training to help church leaders mobilize your congregation to creatively show and share God’s love for the pastor and church staff. 7-minute video training session includes free resources.
3. Bless Your Church 13-minute Video Training Session
Pastor/Board/Leader training to equip, empower and encourage your church to receive generous (4, 5 and 6-figure) gifts of assets and estate bequests. 13-minute video training includes free resources.
4. 40 Day Generous Life Devotional 10-minute Video Training Session
Pastor/Board/Leader training to help inspire generosity and increase giving through the use of a church-wide 40-day Generous Life devotional. 10-minute video training session includes free resources.
5. God Is Your Provider Personal Finances Course Six-session course
This at-home interactive video training helps individuals and couples improve their financial health. This six-session video course is filled with free resources from many of the leading Christian financial experts.
6. Church Generosity Course Six-session course
This interactive video training helps the pastor, board and leaders discover the Best Practices and resources to grow givers and giving in any size church by developing their own 12-month generosity calendar. The six interactive training sessions can be done for 20 minutes or more during regularly scheduled committee meetings. This six-session video course is filled with free resources from many of the leading Christian generosity experts.