
Watch the Personal Finances session 2 video above. Print the handout and watch the video on “10 Ways God Provides When the Paycheck Isn’t Big Enough” (39 minutes).



Continue in the 40-day Generous Life devotional. If you missed some days, don’t skip ahead. Some people take 50-60 days to go through the devotional.


Dig, Discuss & Decide

Discuss what you learned from the “10 Ways God Provides When the Paycheck Isn’t Big Enough” video. Then, go back over your Personal Finances assessment survey results and continue to work through the  Best Practices worksheet. Continue using the planning calendar to track your progress.



Watch the Ron Blue video on How Do I Set A Budget or a Spending Plan?

Over the next two months, record all of your expenditures with financial software or on a worksheet (see available resources on the Personal Finances Best Practices worksheet #2 and #3).

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